Way Forward

Key Implementation Priorities

Developing the CAREC Digital Transformation Project Portfolio and Implementation Roadmap

The CAREC digital project portfolio will include global and local best practices, inputs from CAREC public and private sector stakeholders and projects discussed at various CAREC digital transformation workshops. A comprehensive portfolio of CAREC regional digital transformation projects reflecting needs of CAREC member countries would then be prioritized and translated into a roadmap, complete with implementation timelines and key performance indicators (KPIs) for success measurement.

Strengthening the Enabling Environment and Capacity Building

Enabling policies and safeguards to promote trust in digital technologies will facilitate the implementation of the CAREC Digital Strategy. Legislation for data protection and the development of cybersecurity structures will help to address the trust deficit relating to digital technology.

Gathering and Sharing Best Practice for Digital Development

A CAREC Digital Solutions Center will be considered establishment in the region to collect regional best practices, adapt and disseminate them through the CAREC Digital Collaboration Platform and at workshops, conferences, and seminars.

Establishing a Monitoring System for Digital Transformation Progress and Impact

Governments need to assess the impact of their digital strategies and adapt them to changing circumstances. Horizon scanning activities should become customary to allow the CAREC program to keep pace with rapid technological change. This will help to measure the benefits of the CAREC Digital Space and monitor progress.

Building Public-Private Sector Partnerships for Project Portfolio Development and Implementation

Public and private sectors across the CAREC region should work in tandem on high-visibility regional initiatives and the rapid implementation of pilot projects. A special fund can be established to support the roll-out of select pilot projects that can demonstrate the value of digital technologies to address key economic and social issues and accelerate the pace of digitization across the region.


Working with Development Partners to Accelerate Digital Transformation Across CAREC

International development partners and donors can play a key role in the development and implementation of the CAREC Digital Strategy 2030 by providing international expertise, best practices, capacity building, technical assistance, and financing. The Asian Development Bank recognizes the critical importance of leveraging digital technologies to support economic and social development in the CAREC region, particularly in the context of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Other organizations, including the IFC, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), UNESCAP, the World Bank, and other UN agencies, may also be able to provide the necessary resources and support.

Strategic Planning, Future Thinking and Strategic Foresight for CAREC Digital Cooperation

Given the increasing volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and disruption globally and in the CAREC region, it is important to create a viable future implementation roadmap for the CAREC Digital Strategy-2030. This would involve planning for different scenarios, identifying potential opportunities and challenges, designing innovative ways to anticipate change and staying on track with digital transformation under rapidly evolving circumstances.

Developing a Strategic Communication Plan

An effective communication strategy can convey the vision, objectives, and key pillars of the Digital CAREC 2030 Strategy, and the benefits that can be expected as a result of its implementation. A regional consensus around the strategy needs to be built among all key stakeholders, and they need to be kept up to date with the progress of digitization in the region. An awareness campaign will highlight the successes of regional collaborative digital initiatives and help to secure stakeholder buy-in, thereby facilitating the sustainable implementation of the strategy.