Pillar 1

Digital Economy Leadership, Governance, and Investment

Adoption and implementation of the CAREC Digital Strategy 2030 requires strong regional leadership with a firm commitment to digital transformation. To ensure this, a mechanism will be put in place that will allow stakeholder coordination and conduct consultations and dialogue on digital transformation in the CAREC region. These consultations will focus on creating incentives for regional cooperation in the CAREC digital space and for seek to attract investment.

Pillar 2

Digital Policy Enablers and Safeguards

CAREC member countries will collectively work towards harmonizing relevant policies, regulations, and standards. This will help to reduce legal barriers to trade (particularly through the use of e-commerce and e-payments); protect data privacy; build public trust through regular consultations; promote openness and non-discrimination and increase security. As a result, a common digital space will be nurtured - one that enables the movement of data and services across the region.

Pillar 3

Digital Infrastructure, Resilience and Platforms

CAREC member states' digital infrastructures should be linked through common standards of interoperability, scalability, and security to ensure the coordination and efficiency of digital platforms within a common digital space. This will strengthen regional digital resilience capability by ensuring that the infrastructure supporting digital systems is agile and adaptable enough to withstand and recover from crises and shocks. Integrated platforms will be established to deploy digitization across CAREC's operating sectors and foundational pillars.

Pillar 4

Digital Skills and Competencies

Across the economy, CAREC member countries are experiencing a scarcity of competent digital talent, in the face of accelerated industrial growth and government digitalization. CAREC member countries must focus on broad digital skills development to address the major issue of unemployment, migration, and brain drain from the region. Basic digital literacy skills for the general public will be covered, as will advanced digital skills for professionals in all sectors of the economy. Training initiatives that leverage digital technology can improve the quality of national education systems in the region. Improving government employees' digital skills and competencies, particularly those at the highest levels, will be a top priority.

Pillar 5

Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and ICT Competitiveness

The innovation gap is at the heart of the digital divide. Digital technologies are advancing faster than governments and institutions can develop policies to regulate them and leverage their benefits. In the absence of adequate funding in most national budgets, the CAREC Program will focus on fostering rapid adoption, dissemination, and scaling up of existing innovative products and solutions across the region. Promoting digital product innovation will pose the need for educational initiatives and training programs to develop digital skills that will assist users in understanding the benefits of these solutions. Other key initiatives include boosting the CAREC region's digital innovation ecosystem, promoting the adoption and effective use of digital technologies by small and medium enterprises (SMEs), promoting regional content, assisting local ICT companies across the region in meeting regional demand for digital solutions and increasing ICT exports.


Five Pillars

To fuel economic growth, generate jobs, and promote inclusive and sustainable development, the CAREC Digital Strategy will strengthen the following five interconnected pillars by improving cooperation between CAREC member countries.