In pursuit of creating a

Data-Driven Digital Regional Economy

with fast and reliable online access to relevant information and digital services for everyone across the CAREC region.

Digital Strategy 2030

Digital transformation can fuel economic growth, generate jobs, and promote inclusive and sustainable development. The CAREC Digital Strategy puts forth a collaborative approach to address social and economic challenges in the CAREC region by leveraging digital technology.


Five Interconnected Pillars

To achieve the objectives, the CAREC Digital Strategy 2030 will strengthen the following five interconnected pillars by way of improved cooperation between CAREC member countries.

Pillar 1

Digital Economy Leadership, Governance, and Investment

Pillar 2

Digital Policy Enablers and Safeguards

Pillar 3

Digital Infrastructure, Resilience and Platforms

Pillar 4

Digital Skills and Competencies

Pillar 5

Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and ICT Competitiveness

Areas of Focus

The CAREC Digital Strategy 2030 implementation will digital technologies to establish the path for accelerating digital adoption in the following priority areas within CAREC’s operational clusters:

  • Government as a Platform
  • Economic and Financial Stability: e-Finance/Fintech
  • Trade, Tourism and Economic Corridors
  • Infrastructure and Economic Connectivity: Connecting Smart Cities and Villages
  • Agriculture and Water Cluster: Digital Agriculture
  • Human Development
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Key Implementation Priorities

for digital transformation to benefit everyone in the CAREC region.

Developing the CAREC Digital Transformation project portfolio and implementation roadmap

Strengthening the enabling environment
and capacity building

Gathering and sharing best practice for
digital development

Establishing a monitoring system for digital transformation progress and impact

Building public-private sector partnerships for project portfolio development and implementation

Working with development partners to accelerate digital transformation across CAREC

Future Proofing strategic planning, futures thinking and strategic foresight for CAREC digital cooperation

Developing a strategic and effective
communication plan

Who We Are

The Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) Program is a regional cooperation initiative of member countries from the People’s Republic of China to the Georgian shores of the Black Sea to promote regional development through cooperation, leading to accelerated economic growth and shared prosperity.

The enormous potential of digital and information and communications technologies (ICTs) will help the CAREC member countries address the challenges posed by the COVID 19 and support economic revival under the CAREC Digital Strategy 2030. Through its upcoming digital initiatives, efforts are being made to accelerate digital transformation in the region.




Years of
Regional Cooperation


Mobilized in

Member Countries

Kyrgy Republic

Other CAREC Digital Initiatives

Startups Map

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CAREC Innovation Network

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Innovation Challenges

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